
A Walk in Other’s Shoes is returning to this year’s Week of Action Against Poverty. This challenge is being undertaken by individuals in the community who have interests within the health field. Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. A single person on Ontario Works would receive $337 monthly for all of their personal needs and $384 for all of their shelter costs. Because participants cannot replicate the housing conditions realistically, shelter costs are not included within this challenge. For the five day challenge, participants will have $11 daily to cover all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each day, every participant will be given a challenge card which will reveal an unexpected challenge to be completed before the end of the day.

A Walk in Other’s Shoes is not a competitive challenge. It is a challenge that raises awareness of the hurdles that people living on social assistance face daily. As we within our community develop our own understanding, we can begin to reduce the barriers that they encounter and ultimately increase opportunities for increased prosperity for all. The challenge takes place February 10th-14th, 2018.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Walking with a little wandering

Cough cough cough … as per my challenge card today I headed downtown to seek out some cold medication.  Prior to heading out I thought about some of my options: home remedies (honey + lemon + hot water), see the doctor / nurse practitioner (but I feel this is not necessary on day one of what feels to be just a bad cold), well my challenge card did say “purchase” some items so better get walking.

Ouch!  Cold medication is expensive!  I decide to go with the store brand that contains a few doses of daytime medication and a few doses of night time medication, I chose the smallest box and will hope it gets me through the worst of the cold.  $6.76 later I hope I am on my way to feeling better.

The medication is kicking in so I continue on my way …

Over to the Neechee Friendship Centre to check out the food hampers I recently heard about.  On Tuesdays between 10am & 3pm (closed from 12-1pm) clients and non-clients alike can access a food hamper (one per family per month).  I was hoping to have a peek at a hamper but unfortunately there were none available for viewing at the time.  Staff did describe some items in the hamper - pasta, canned goods, and snacks for kids’ lunches.  Contact them for more info at 807-468-5440.

I’ll continue my walk … 

Picture this ... 
Bright red table cloths, table settings neatly in their place, a server wearing a crisp clean white apron serving each course of the meal with a welcoming smile on her face, the hum of quiet conversation among patrons at each table … this pleasant setting is what I found when I arrived at the Agape Table at Knox today.

(of the mouth) wide open, especially with surprise or wonder.

[ah-gah-pey, ah-guh-pey, ag-uh-]
noun, plural
the love of God or Christ for humankind
unselfish love of one person for another
love feast


I have always wondered about the Agape Table and I have always wondered what the word “agape” means.  All of the above definitions fit what I experienced today.  What a wonderful place to come for a meal.  The Agape table and many other community meals take place in our community each week.  Check out this link via the NWHU website for more information: I visit at Knox for little while and am on my way again …

Budget update: $8.87 remaining (but let’s be real … if this was 100% real life I feel I likely wouldn’t have a penny left at this point … more on that tomorrow)

Nutrition & Physical Activity update:
Fruit & Veggie servings today = 4
Extra Walking (walking as a result of the challenge) = 7 km

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